Friday, April 13, 2012

This Is Why I'm Here

The kids here are so cute! All white people (non black people) are
called Nasara, and whenever I pass people all over will yell
"NASARA!!!". When I first got here it really bothered me...and actually
it still bothers me, but over time the kids have learned my name, and I
can always tell when I'm close to home, because I hear little voices
calling out my name from all directions. Whenever I hear it I get this
feeling of home. I feel appreciated and loved, it's an amazing
feeling. Just this week a little 2 year old boy named Arture was
calling my name. "Dani, Danio, Danio!!! Guba!!!" He was calling me
over to him, but since I was a ways off and on my way to work I told him
to come to me, that way we could meet half way, but he just stood
there. So I kept on walking, and that's when I heard crying. All of a
sudden, this cute little 2 year old boy was running to me crying! When
I walked over he just wanted me to hold him...that's it. So simple,
just to be held, but that's all he wanted. I felt so loved and wanted
at that moment. It's easy to feel that way here. Everyone and their
mom will give you the time of day here. If I want something at the
market, everyone wants to give it to me, or help me find it, or just
watch me, but there's something different when a little child needs
that, something amazing about it. It's these kids that I tell stories
to every week. I tell them the miracles of Jesus, and how He wants to
work in each of our lives if we just ask Him into our hearts. Each
time, they silently listen, some of them hearing these stories for the
first time. After the stories we sing Bible songs that will teach them
different lessons, and that brings many smile and laughs. The kids have
something special, and I realized why God wants us to be like little
children, it's because they accept people easier, love easier, and bring
so much joy to their parents, especially their Father. So much praise
comes from these kids, so many songs, and so much laughter.
I went to visit a village 8 miles away, and on the way back, Lyol, the
missionary's 3 year old son sang "Jesus Loves Me" for 15 minutes. He
had his head on the window just singing it over and over again. It was
so precious. He was singing praises to God without even knowing it. I
was able to sing praises this week with some other kids too. Two days
ago my 6 year old brother didn't come home from watching the soccer
match at the market. Right when the kids told me this my 10 year old
sister and I set out to find him. I was actually a little surprised
that the family was wanting to go out and look for him, most families
here don't care where their kids are or when they come home. I didn't
realize that he was watching the game at the market, but after walking
over a mile, I realized it wasn't close. We went to grandma's house to
look for him, and finally stopped to rest at Uncle's house. When I got
there there were 4 people laying on mats, but within minutes there were
over 30 kids just standing and sitting, all staring at me. Well, I
thought I should use that time productively, and as much as I love
looking at myself too, I decided to start singing songs. We sang songs
about God for almost 30 minutes! It was so nice. One girl who goes to
the Adventist church wanted to sing "Jesus Loves Me" in English, and
even though she didn't really know what she was saying, and she couldn't
pronounce half of the words, but she sang her heart out with bad
pronunciation. The songs here don't have a nice tune, or even any tune,
but God doesn't say make a beautiful tune unto the Lord, He says make a
joyful NOISE to the Lord. Let me tell you, they are very good at making
noise! After we finished singing, one boy asked if we could pray, and
after our prayer, they asked if I was coming tomorrow! It was so nice!
It brought me so much joy, and I know that God was looking at this small
place of worship and was glowing with pride. After I left Uncle's
house, we continued on to the market in search of my brother. My sister
and I were accompanied by two neighbor boys and we finally found the
rest of my family by the Catholic church by the market, but still no
sign of my little brother. There were 12 of us out looking for him two
miles away from home. We got a call though a few minutes later that he
had made it home safely. It was a long, hot walk back, and when we made
it home, my little brother was met with some slaps, but he was safe.
This is why I'm here. Not necessarily to go out looking for lost little
brothers, though I do that to, but to be with the kids, to be with the
people here. I have been able to see these kids, and spend time with
them, and love them, and sing with them, and they are so amazing! The
Bible stories every week by my house, the night out with the 30 kids
singing praises to the Lord, and Lyol singing his praises to God, what a
blessing. This is why I'm here, and I'm sure gonna miss it.

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