Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's So Hot!!

Oh my word it is so hot here! I am sitting here typing this with sweat
coming down my face. During the day, I work outside, and I feel my feet
being burnt by the sun, and the bottom of my feet being burnt by the
sand. It's so hot, all the time. It's almost 8 pm right now, and it
will be hot all night long. I had a friend email me and he said that
the weather where he lives is warming up to 70 degrees. I would be
happy if things cooled down to 70 degrees here! I've been sleeping
outside for almost two months now because it's so hot. Around 2 am it
gets down into the 80s and 90s, so it's cold enough for me to sleep with
my sheet and sometimes even a blanket. Most nights I wet some piece of
clothing and fan it in the wind and then sleep with that to cool me
down. It's gotten over 110 degrees already, and I'm sure it will only
get hotter before I leave. They've had thermometers say 130 degrees
before. This is by far the hottest place I have ever been! Some days
it's hard to handle, but somehow, by the grace of God I have been able
to acclimatize slowly. It's so crazy when I see mothers carrying their
babies on their backs, and the babies are wearing knitted hats, boots,
and sweaters! Just having a baby on my back is hot enough, and that
poor baby has to wear such thick clothes! People here go out and work
almost all day in their fields gathering wood, and some of their fields
are miles away. I have been so blessed to come here when I did though,
because now in the market they have a smoothie place, and some soda
places. Now, this is no Jamba Juice or soda machine. When we go there
we tell them we either want a mango, banana, or avocado smoothie, and
then they blend water (possibly amoeba infested), lots of sugar,
powdered milk, and the fruit together and give us our $1 smoothies. If
we're lucky, we'll get there when there's still a little ice left. The
soda shops are these Arab shops with old fridges, some of them still
working, and drinks inside. We get Pepsi, Mountain Dew (which just came
in), sprite, fanta, cold water, local tea, there are so many different
kinds, it's crazy! But no for real, it's hot here. I just wanted to
let you all know, all of you reading this while having your AC on, or
snow outside, that it's super hot here, so enjoy all the cold for me!

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