Thursday, April 26, 2012


I have never met anyone like this woman. Naomi truly has God in her
heart. Her father was Tchadian, but moved to Nigeria and started a
family there. While Naomi was growing up her father told her that he
wanted her to move to Tchad one day to marry and take care of the land
that he owned there, and so 11 years ago she came to this country to
start a new life. Although she spoke many languages from the time she
spent moving around with her father in the army, she didn't know any
languages that would help her here in Tchad. Everyone treated her
different because she looked like them but couldn't communicate, and
didn't know the ways of this country. She went from toilets to bushes,
from stoves and ovens to open fire, and from beds to mats. Her time
adjusting here was hard, but through it she found a husband and now has
4 amazing boys. Through her rough times she praises God for all He does
and never hates anyone. She has so many reasons to be angry, but she
never is. Her husband would beat her for not having the food when he
wanted it, or for not massaging him, and she still praised God. Almost
7 years ago, while she was pregnant with her last son, her husband left
her. A single mother, in Tchad, and with 4 boys is not a combination
for success, but she continued to praise God. She learned local
languages, and worked to provide for her kids, and is an amazing
mother! She's been working with the white people for a few years now,
and she has been such a blessing with translating and spreading God's
love. Because of her work with the white people here, she has been
blessed with many things, but when you visit her house, you would never
see any of it. She is such a caring woman, and when she sees need and
hurt, she helps. If someone gives her clothes, she gives them away, if
someone gives her food, she shares it, if someone helps her with money,
she helps others. Her whole life is about serving others. This last
Sabbath she invited Matthew and I over to her house to eat, and when we
got there, there was a feast set before us! So much food, and she even
went out and bought us expensive meat because she wanted to give us the
best. Wow, someone who doesn't have much, gave so much! It was the
most fun I've had on a Sabbath since I got here! We ate till we
couldn't eat anymore, and then drank juice, and laid on mats singing and
learning different songs, and then after a few hours we were eating
again. I didn't want the day to end. All of us were taking pictures,
laughing, drinking juice, and being a family. Despite everything that
has happened in her life that could make her angry and bitter, she loves
more than anyone I've ever met! She has a heart for all people, and
wants to help them know God better. Her children are loved more than
any other Tchadian child, and love her more than most kids love their
parents. Her oldest son once told her that they didn't need food, only
each other and they were happy. Her family from Nigeria don't come to
visit her, and tell her that she needs to come home because Tchad isn't
a good place to live. While that might be true, she won't leave because
she knows that she is making a difference that no on else can make. She
isn't looking for an easy life, but a full life. A life filled with
God, love, care, and trust in the One who has brought her through
everything. Naomi is my sister, and I praise God that I have been
blessed enough to know such an amazing woman.

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