Thursday, April 26, 2012


I LOVE MANGOES!!!!! I waited for mango season for 7 months and it's
finally here. Before I came to Tchad I didn't even know mangoes grew on
trees...just kidding, I knew that, but I really
didn't know how amazing it is to watch mangoes grow. They start out as
little green dots on all of the trees, and then those dots grow for
months, and get bigger and bigger, and finally weigh down the trees so
much that some branches touch the ground. It's been mango season here
for almost 2 months, and even though they were expensive at first,
they've been down to 5 cents...for 2 mangoes! I eat mangoes everyday,
as many as I want, and I love it. One day I ate 15, and I thought that
was pretty amazing, but the other day I ate 20, and I thought that
was...well, really stupid! Let's just say my stomach didn't thank me,
and since I didn't bleach the mangoes before I ate them I might have
some parasites living in me right now...I'll let you know about that
later. Women here buy over 160 mangoes for only $6. I just want you
all to understand that we are bursting at the seams with mangoes! I'll
walk past people and just tell them to give me a mango, and then they'll
hand me ten. Or kids will come to my hut and give me some of the
mangoes they just got off the trees. For the months of mango season,
this is all some of the people eat, but they're happy and their stomachs
are full. Oh, and because of those unbleached mangoes...I did suffer
for 6 days, but no worries, that's over now. The variety of mangoes
here is so big. Some little, some big, some weird tasting, and some
super awesome tasting ones, all different because they were designed by
the locals differently. The people will take a branch from one mango
tree and graft it onto a different mango tree, and then when the tree is
ready to make baby mangoes they're different than all the rest. I just
ate one the other day that was bigger than both of my fists and smelled
glorious! Well, Matthew said it tasted like fuel, but hey, I really
liked it! We've been blessed for almost 2 months with amazing mangoes,
but the season is almost over. The mangoes are becoming more expensive
again, the kids aren't coming to my house to give me mangoes, and soon
there will by hungry tummies again, but for these months, we have all
been blessed. I praise God for the little millions of
mangoes! I'm so glad that I've been able to take and taste all the
different mangoes, and have been filled completely with the amazingness
of it all. God is waiting to fill each of us with His amazingness too,
but unlike mangoes, there is no season for Him, no right time to call
upon Him. He wants to fill each of us for the rest of our lives, and
trust me, it's way better than mangoes.

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