Sunday, March 18, 2012


So I have $130 worth of water filter here, but I haven't had the need to use it until now.  The days are getting hotter, and the nights are starting to be unbearable, so water is always needed.  I finally got buckets to connect the filter to, and I'm super excited because I'm told this filter takes out giardia and amoebas, finally an endless water supply is going to be at my finger tips.  I can taste the sweetness of clean, cold water entering my parched mouth...I'm super excited!  So I had to cut some holes, and connect some stuff, but no leaks...this will be a success, I can feel it in my stomach!  So you know how in the states when people say that they have well water, everyone knows their water is good and probably super cold and, well, just nice.  Here, when someone says well water I know it's not even close.  All of the water I draw up from wells has a nice brownish tint to it, pieces of sticks floating in it, chunks of dirt in it, and once in a while I will get this nice  metal taste in the water.  Basically after I drink some of this stuff I wonder how fast I will be able to run to the hole if I get massive, explosive diarrhea during the night.  So anyways, this filter, the answer to life's beautiful.  Well, I hooked it up, poured water in, and waited.  Disappointment.  That word means different things for different people, and for some people it runs deeper than for others.  Right now, that word means I won't get an unlimited  water supply like I thought.  The water that came out the other end was yellow.  Sure it took out most of the things that I could see, at least it wasn't as brown as the water that I put in it, but still, it was dirty.  There were still little parasites swimming in there, I could tell.  Don't worry, I won't die from dehydration, there are other ways to find clean water, but still, disappointment entered into my once excited stomach.   But have you ever thought of the impurities in our own lives?  Maybe it's the things we say, what we watch, what we listen to, or what we spend our time doing.  Our impurities are natural, we're sinners, but we have a filter.  We have someone who takes away ALL our impurities, and He never leaves dirty water behind.  He wants to give us clean water, an endless supply, a supply that will never run dry, and will never give us diarrhea.  The best thing of all, is that it's free.  Want a drink?

1 comment:

  1. Dani, I read your blogs often - thanks for sharing. I also will occasionally read other missionary blogs from Bere. The life there seems to be so difficult and I can't imagine everything you all are going through. There are a lot of people praying for you and the people there.

    I want you to know you are thought about often!

